Monday, July 13, 2009

Week 6 Thing 14

Technoarati and tags. As i looked in technoarati and looked up School Library Learning 2.0 I noticed that a blog directory gave me a more narrow search of 258 results, while a blog post was very wide range and included bad words and uneducated looking info. It seems like no filtering is taking place and anything related to your search terms will come up. I learned how tags work with blog posts. A tag is a key word that describes your blog posts. If your blogging about a vacation at the island you could use tags such as vacation, beach, island, sand, texas. Now each tag will lead people to your blog even if they only type in sand. If this person is wanting to purchase sand to fill up holes in their yard, your beach vacation would be irrelevant to them, but will come up due to your tags. such as 834,950 results. These tools would not be something I would give access to due to the unfiltred content. I would however explain the benefits of having them and how district sites are safer to use and would show examples of tags in this area.

1 comment:

  1. You are going a great job! You are more than half-way there.
